Community Resources
211 Saskatchewan
211 Saskatchewan is a free, confidential, 24/7 service that connects individuals to human services in the province by telephone, text, or web chat, plus a searchable website with over 5,000 listings of social, community, non-clinical health, and government services across the province.
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sex
The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity was established to support and empower work happening on a collaborative and/or collective level between and within territories, provinces, and Indigenous of peoples such as Canadians, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.
This support comes in the form of educational and arts-based initiatives, research, and resources for schools and communities, ranging from a full day of workshops with ongoing support to week-long training forums with integrated year-long projects as part of its deliverables.
The International Day of Pink is part of this programming, where we provide learning kits that make wearing pink a catalyst for change.
Lastly, complementary programs facilitated by our Youth Advisory Committee, such as our grants, awards, and scholarships, continue to celebrate the ongoing work already being done in hundreds of communities daily.
Circle Project Programs and Services
Programs and Services
The Circle Project offers a network of programs and services that serve as steppingstones for vulnerable individuals and families as they work toward independence and sustainability. Our wrap around programs and services model are designed to allow staff and programs to work together and complement each other.
As our goal is to decrease the stress for our clients, we use a seamless referral process that allows program participants to access as many programs as they need. Because of our ability to really listen to what people in our programs are telling us through their evaluations and feedback, we provide programs and services that are culturally relevant and effective, designed to assist people with breaking down barriers to education and employment and/or assist with building skills that will lead to a desire to go back to school, land a job and create a better life for themselves and their families.
We work with individuals and families from a strengths-based approach and perspective to build capacity and to assist them make progress in their lives according to what they want to achieve. As a result, we produce the kind of positive outcomes that change people’s lives for the better through firm attachment to the economy via work or school.
Courageous Companions
Courageous Companions is a registered charity which provides quality trained certified service dogs to military veterans and first responders who suffer with physical and/or psychological operational injuries as a result of their service.
A 100% volunteer driven organization, they strive to restore dignity, rebuild confidence, and increase the quality of life for brave men and women who serve. They are funded by donations and fundraising.
A Courageous Companions Elite K-9 Service Dog is a specifically molded service dog trained to respond to the specific needs of an individual. The dogs are provided at no cost to the individual.
Our service dogs are exclusively trained by MSAR (, an organization that has had six service dogs nominated and two inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame as ‘Service Dog of the Year.’
Dragonfly Child and Family Wellness Centre
Dragonfly is a non-profit mental health clinic in Regina specializing in children, youth, and families. Dragonfly offers individual counselling and group services in-person and virtually. The counsellors at Dragonfly see children, youth, adults, and families for a variety of reasons. These could include anxiety, depression, trauma, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, difficulty regulating emotions, and family conflict.
As a nonprofit, Dragonfly's goal is to work collaboratively with our community partners, provide programs that will benefit the community, and have the ability to provide options for families with financial barriers.
Employment Insurance Benefits
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Contact Number
1 800 206-7218
General Information
The Employment Insurance (EI) program offers temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers. There are various programs within EI that you may qualify for.
What you need before you start
To complete the online EI application, you will need the following personal information:
✓ Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)—if your SIN begins with a 9, you will need to provide proof of your immigration status and work permit;
✓ Your mother's maiden name;
✓ Your mailing and residential addresses, including the postal codes—if you do not have a usual place of residence, you must apply in person at your local Service Canada Centre; and
✓ Your complete banking information, including the financial institution name and number, the branch number, and your account number, if you want to sign up for direct deposit.
When you apply for certain benefits, you may be required to obtain medical information signed by your doctor which indicates the expected period of incapacity. Be sure to keep this information in a safe place, since we may ask you to provide it to us later. We will let you know if we need you to submit your medical information when you complete your online application.
Family Services Regina
We work with individuals, families and communities in all their forms, who are currently in distress or at risk.
We are a member organization of Family Service Canada and we are accredited by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation, which recognizes standards for quality in agencies that provide family services and employee assistance programs.
Indigenous Christian Fellowship (ICF)
Indigenous Fellowship (ICF) is a Canadian Indigenous urban ministry serving the spiritual and social needs of Indian and Metis people of Regina, Saskatchewan.
Alongside the Indian Family Centre in Winnipeg and the Edmonton Native Healing Centre, ICF is one of three Urban Aboriginal Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
The Aboriginal Ministry is comprised of a national committee (Canadian Aboriginal Ministry Committee) the three Urban Aboriginal Ministries, along with a Justice and Reconciliation Mobilizer. Together, these entities support healing and reconciliation between Canada’s Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
ICF was established by the Christian Reformed Church in 1978. In addition to several congregations and benefactors, the ministry is supported by the Saskatchewan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. While affirming individual and cultural contributions, ICF celebrates the Creator’s gift of healing and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. ICF worshipping/working ministry recognizes the Creator’s unconditional love and great gifts each of us may offer.
• We invite you to join our community.
• Become a volunteer.
• Share your stories.
Talking Circle
ICF hosts talking circles for men and women. Each talking circle begins with a smudging prayer. Talking circles allow participants to share personal struggles and achievements in a confidential and supportive environment. Availability of talking circles depends on demand and availability of resource people.
Kids Help Phone
Contact Information
Call 1-800-668-6868
Text CONNECT to 686868.
Kids Help Phone is a Canadian charitable organization that provides 24/7 free confidential professional online and telephone counselling and volunteer-led, text-based support in English and French to youth across Canada.
Kids Help Phone also provides information on how to access community support services for youth.
Monarch Mental Health
Contact Information
Phone: 306-988-4357
Through Monarch, we’ll be able to provide clinical counselling to gender and sexually diverse children, youth and adults, as well as their families and loved ones. While counselling 2SLGBTQIAP+ people, realities for our community when experiencing mental health concerns and when accessing mental health services.
Online therapy Unit
The Online Therapy Unit offers free Online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for a number of mental health concerns. Online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy involves reviewing treatment materials online with optional support from a therapist offered via secure email or phone.
Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS)
PATHS is the member association for twenty-one member agencies that provide intimate partner violence services across Saskatchewan. Our members are women’s shelters (also known as domestic violence shelters, safe shelters, transition houses, or interval houses), second stage shelters, and counselling centres that offer counselling and support to survivors of IPV. PATHS does not provide on-line support. Our website is designed to resources and referral numbers to readers.
• Hudson Bay Family and Support Centre
• Isabel Johnson Shelter (YWCA)
• Envision Counselling and Support Centre Inc.
• North East Outreach and Support Services
• Qu’Appelle Haven Safe Shelter
• SIGN (The Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbors)
• Wichihik Iskwewak Safe House (WISH)
Each year PATHS publishes an Abuse Help Lines page in all 10 Direct West phone books across Saskatchewan. Thanks to the generous support of SaskTel, we are able to get important information about violence and abuse into the hands of people who need it.
SOS Safety Magazine
We’re unbiased, we’re unafraid, and our only goal is to bring awareness to the biggest challenges our youth and families are facing today.
Parents and educators don’t always have the time or capacity to have tough conversations.
When they do find the time, they’re often too late. The social landscape is changing so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up.
That’s what makes SOS essential. We provide a resource that covers today’s most pressing issues. And we keep our finger on the pulse of current social challenges so we can address those problems immediately ... before it’s too late.
We ARE making a difference. We ARE making an impact. And we’re not afraid to do what needs to be done to build stronger families and communities for all of us.
The Unemployed Workers Help Centre
Contact Information
Regina Office
1888 Angus Street
Regina SK S4T 1Z4
Phone: (306) 525-5138
Fax: (306) 525-5148
Saskatoon Office
2154 Airport Drive
Saskatoon SK S7L 6M6
Phone: (306) 382-8662
Fax: (306) 978-7815
If you are having difficulties accessing information from the Employment Insurance Commission, we may be able to assist you in finding out information regarding your claim for benefits.
Examples may include:
• You are not able to get through to an agent when calling the Employment Insurance phone line 1 800 206-7218;
• You are not getting information in a timely manner;
• The information provided by the Employment Insurance Commission is not clear;
• Your claim is not being processed in a timely manner.
If you have a decision of the Employment Insurance Commission which affects you negatively, we may be able to assist you with representation at an appeal.
Examples may include:
• Disqualification for quitting a job without just cause or losing your job due to misconduct;
• Penalties for false or misleading reporting of earnings while on claim;
• Disentitlement over availability for work or inadequate job search;
• Allocation of severance or other payments as earnings;
• Late applications for benefits or late appeals.
We will consult with you to discuss the decision the Commission has made on your claim. If after our review, we believe there are grounds for an appeal we will register one on your behalf.
Generally, within thirty days of having received your appeal registration you will have an appeal hear scheduled. Prior to this, we will have received all the information on your claim from the Commission.
This is called the appeal docket.
We will review the appeal docket and the information contained in it with the claimant/appellant for accuracy. Any information or facts which are missing and which we feel should be presented to the appeal board will be detailed and presented in the appeal.
If any case law is required to support our arguments to the appeal board we will research it and present the cases to the appeal board. Over the years we have developed an comprehensive case law guide of decisions which are favourable to appellants.
We will attend the hearing with the appellant to make the representations, present new facts and discuss that legislation and law as it applies to the specific situation.
For detailed information on Employment Insurance appeals visit:
If you need other assistance, we can refer you to other organizations which could be of assistance to you.
Examples may include:
• Referrals for education or training opportunities;
• Referrals to job posting and resume posting sites;
• Referrals to agencies which can assist with difficulties during the unemployment period.