Wonderwear Campaign
Wonder wear campaign
Wonder wear campaign
A new Wonder Wear Campaign will run April 1-30, 2025.
Dawn Thomas-Cameron was talking to Alexis Losie, Senior Director of Operations at the YWCA Regina. Alexis mentioned that a lot of people, including our local, donate pads and tampons to them, but what they really need is underwear. Which spurred us to come up with our Wonderwear Campaign.
This year, we will be collecting women's, men's, and children's underwear.
You can drop off new underwear to one of the locations listed:
SaskTel Head Office
2nd Floor - There will be a labelled box/collection bin.
5th Floor - Dawn Thomas-Cameron's office.
Or send an eTransfer to UniforSK.WC@gmail.com.
Thank you for your time and attention. In solidarity.